
college Rotterdam

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  • Branch:Inhouse Hogeschool Rotterdam
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Hogeschool Rotterdam : Getting started as an invigilator at Hogeschool Rotterdam

Via Actief Werkt! you will find the best vacancies as a supervisor at Hogeschool Rotterdam . Hogeschool Rotterdam has about 40,000 students and offers courses from 15 different educational locations spread throughout Rotterdam .

✔️ Working at an inspiring college;
✔️ A varied job due to contact with all students and the various educational locations;
✔️ Flexible job based on your availability;
✔️ Easy to reach by public transport. 

Working at Hogeschool Rotterdam

Hogeschool Rotterdam trains every student to become professionals who make a valuable contribution to society. The goal is to do this by letting the student get the best out of themselves and through equal opportunities where every student is seen and known. The team of teachers consists of teachers, researchers and professionals from the field and together they provide a form of challenging education. Do you want to contribute to the development of about 40,000 students? Contact the colleagues of ActiefWerkt! to see what the possibilities are.

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