
Employment agency in Veenendaal

Are you looking for a new job in the region of Veenendaal ? Actief Werkt finds the vacancy that suits you. Contact our team at employment agency Veenendaal or register online directly so that we can help you with your search.

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Actief Werkt! Veenendaal

Prins Bernhardlaan 32
3901 CC Veenendaal

0318-25 30 08

Opening hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00

Hundreds of vacancies at employment agency Veenendaal

If you are looking for work in your region, discover what Actief Werkt employment agency Veenendaal can do for you. We have many vacancies with which we help people find a new job every day. The vacancy may already be waiting for you!

We find the job that fits your ambitions and wishes. Our goal is to make both you and our customers happy with an optimal match of supply and demand. Curious what we have to offer you? View the vacancies in Veenendaal and surroundings and find your new job!

Check out our top vacancies in Veenendaal

Mold maintenance employee

Get started as a mold maintenance employee at ABB in Ede ! We are looking for reinforcement for the technical service department and you are the important link in the optimization and continuity of the production process. As a mold maintenance employee, you have a passion for technology, you work accurately and you already have some experience in a technical production environment. ABB is happy to invest time and energy in your further development and will ensure that you can perform your work well and independently!

In this position you ensure that the molds are kept in good condition, so that they can be put back into use quickly. 

What exactly does this mean?

  • (Dis)assembling molds and mold parts;
  • Cleaning and lubricating molds and mold parts and carrying out checks for possible defects;
  • Repairing and carrying out improvement work on the moulds;
  • Carrying out minor repairs;
  • General maintenance tools and workshop.


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Assembly worker

As an assembly employee at Ginaf Trucks Nederland , no day is the same. Because all customer orders concern custom trucks, you certainly do not have any 'assembly line' work. It's up to you to have the important but fun task of installing the cabins of these cool trucks. You do this with the help of drawings and a well-equipped workshop.

As an assembly employee at Ginaf Trucks, you will work in a small team in the finishing department. Together you will install all cabin parts and electricity based on drawings and diagrams. You can indulge yourself in the well-equipped workshop. You will be provided with everything you need to carry out your work without any problems. Because these trucks are produced from start to finish at this location, you really get credit for your work. You see what your part has been in a beautiful end product.

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Warehouse employee day shift

Do you want to work as a warehouse employee for one of our nicest clients in Veenendaal ? Then we are looking for you! This is a full-time job for a longer period of time in the day shift, with the prospect of permanent employment.

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Availability and type of vacancies at employment agency Veenendaal

Actief Werkt employment agency Veenendaal has various vacancies for you, varying from a full working week to temporary work for only a few hours a week.

  • Full -time job : get a full-time job if you are available 36 to 40 hours a week.
  • Part -time job : with a part-time job you choose flexibility. Maybe you have other things that take up time, such as a hobby, children or study. This is ideal to combine with a part-time job.
  • Temporary work : are you only available to work for a certain period of time? We also have many vacancies for temporary positions.
  • Permanent job : choose a permanent job if you want to work somewhere for an indefinite period.


Register employment agency Veenendaal

Are you from the area of Veenendaal and are you ready for the next step? Then we will look for the job that fits your ambitions and wishes.

Take a look at the current vacancies in Veenendaal and region in, for example, the fields of logistics, technology or production. Would you like our help or advice? Then register online immediately. Based on your input, we will help you find the job that energizes you.

apply now

Our goal is to find your dream job

We would like to hear what makes you happy in your work and whether there are things you would like to learn or industries in which you like to work. Based on your motivation, we will work to find your dream job.

We don't value resumes and experience that much. Your motivation is what matters to us. If you aspire to a position for which you currently have no papers, you may be able to follow a course at our expense. Consider, for example, obtaining your forklift certificate or your driver's diploma.

Employment agency in Veenendaal

More and more jobs in Veenendaal

We know the local labor market like no other and know what to expect. Veenendaal is a bustling city in the province of Utrecht with excellent connections by highway and train. The city has experienced strong economic growth in recent years.

There are more jobs in technology and logistics , for example. There is less vacancy and the population is growing. Veenendaal is an attractive location for companies, especially for the retail trade. This also allows you to work as a production employee, for example.


Employment Veenendaal member of ABU

All our branches are affiliated with the ABU (Algemene Bond Uitzendondernemingen) . The advantage of this is that we guarantee quality and being a good employer. As a flex worker, you benefit from the good CAO that you receive, such as equal pay for equal work, pension accrual, continued payment in the event of illness and access to a mortgage. We also pay a lot of attention to growth and development with our training program for flex workers .

Do you have questions? Send us a message, we are happy to help you!

Mail us your question and we will contact you as soon as possible.

Leave your phone number and we will call you back.

When you leave your details, we will contact you for an appointment.

Our team is ready for you!

Ellen Overdevest

Alexandra Kraus
Senior consultant

Natalie Verbeek

Nathalie van der Klift