
Employment agency in Roosendaal

Looking for suitable vacancies in Roosendaal or the surrounding area? The work is ready for you at Actief Werkt employment agency Roosendaal . Come by or register online and we will help you.

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Actief Werkt! Roosendaal

Nieuwe Markt 79
4701 AE Roosendaal


Opening hours

Monday 08:30 - 17:00
Tuesday 08:30 - 17:00
Wednesday* Closed
Thursday    08:30 - 17:00
Friday** 08:30 - 17:00

* Available by telephone

** Closed 1st Friday of the month

Employment agency Roosendaal will help you find a job

Every day we match many people at employment agency Roosendaal with interesting vacancies in the area. We also have various vacancies for you that may suit you. Based on your wishes, we will look for a job that suits you.

We will find the job that makes you happy, that you enjoy going to and that gives you energy. We need information about your goals and ambitions, so that we can search specifically for you. Come visit or register online immediately and stay informed about vacancies in Roosendaal and surrounding areas.

Check out our top vacancies in Roosendaal

Warehouse manager

Are you looking for a full-time position? Are you available in 2 shifts? And do you have experience as a warehouse employee? Then read on!

As a Warehouse Manager you are responsible for the operational management of the ink warehouse. The ink colors are made and mixed in this warehouse so that they perfectly meet the customer's wishes and requirements. You are also responsible for managing the incoming and outgoing products in the warehouse. As a warehouse manager you have a diverse position where the tasks below also belong to your position.

  • Operating the machines in the warehouse
  • Carrying out checks
  • Maintaining the department and equipment 
  • You create colors and adjust them where necessary.

Your position is in two shifts
Morning shift: 6:00 AM to 2:00 PM
Afternoon shift: 2:00 PM to 10:00 PM.

 As a Warehouse Manager you will work at the work location in Hoogerheide , where the head office is also located.

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Warehouse worker

Are you someone who doesn't like to sit still? Are you looking for a job for 32 hours a week and would you like to contribute to a sustainable world? Then we invite you to read on!

For our location in Bergen on Zoom we are looking for a warehouse employee who enjoys being active. You will fulfill a versatile role where you not only work in the warehouse, but can also regularly be found in the store area. Here you ensure that all goods arrive neatly in the store. Together with your colleagues you are responsible for the sale of various products, ranging from vases and books to kitchen utensils and more. You will also help replenish the store with new items, working closely with colleagues from the store. You will also be involved in assembling and disassembling larger pieces of furniture, such as cabinets, sofas and tables.

Our products mainly consist of second-hand goods brought in by private individuals or companies. In the warehouse, these goods are carefully selected and priced before they end up in the store.

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Warehouse worker

Are you looking for a job where you have customer contact and are physically active? Then the position of warehouse employee is for you! Our organization is all about reducing the waste mountain by giving reusable items a second chance. Private individuals and companies hand in various items that are checked for usability by your colleagues. As a warehouse employee, you are responsible for loading and unloading trucks and vans, so that the items end up in the store for sale. This includes sofas, chairs, cupboards, bicycles, and more. In addition to moving goods, you are also ready to speak to customers and help in the store.

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Vacancies at employment agency in Roosendaal

Actief Werkt employment agency Roosendaal has vacancies that meet every need. Based on your availability, you can choose from the various types of vacancies:

  • Full-time job : if you are available 36 to 40 hours a week, look at the vacancies for a full-time position.
  • Part-time job : do you also have other things that require your time, such as children, studies or hobbies? Then a part-time job is for you.
  • Permanent job : if you are available for an indefinite period, look for a permanent job with us.
  • Temporary work : are you available for a limited time, for example because you have to cover a certain period? Then take a look at the vacancies for a temporary position.

Register with employment agency Roosendaal

Are you from region Roosendaal or Bergen on Zoom and are you ready for a new job? Then take a look at our range of vacancies in Roosendaal and the surrounding area.

It is sometimes difficult to see the forest for the trees with all those vacancies. We are therefore happy to help you find that one vacancy that is tailor-made for you. Come visit or register with us online. Then we will help you with your search.


Your motivation is most important to us

When applying for a new job, experience and CV are often taken into account. Actief Werkt employment agency Roosendaal considers your motivation to be the most important thing. Based on what makes you happy, we look for a vacancy and employer that matches.

We discuss vacancies with you that we know are interesting for you. These may be vacancies for positions for which you still need papers/diplomas that you do not yet have. For this you can follow a training course at our expense, via the Actief Flex Academy. Consider, for example, a forklift certificate or obtaining a driver's diploma.

Employment agency in Roosendaal

Labor market Roosendaal ideal thanks to location

We know the local labor market and what is going on. The city Roosendaal has always had an important logistical function thanks to its favorable location on the international railway line. This got the industry off to a good start.

Roosendaal has extensive industrial estates where hundreds of companies are located. We have found a Een job in production or logistics for you in no time!

In addition, the many cleaners keep all offices and schools in the city and surrounding area clean. So there are several jobs available in cleaning.


Employment agency Roosendaal member of ABU

All our branches are affiliated with the ABU (Algemene Bond Uitzendbedrijven) . The advantage of this is that we guarantee quality and good employment practices. As a flex worker you benefit from the good Collective Labor Agreement that you receive, such as equal pay for equal work, pension accrual, continued payment in the event of illness and access to a mortgage. We also pay a lot of attention to growth and development with our training program for flex workers .

Do you have questions? Send us a message, we are happy to help you!

Mail us your question and we will contact you as soon as possible.

Leave your phone number and we will call you back.

When you leave your details, we will contact you for an appointment.

Our team is ready for you!

Luelle Koop

Katinka Touw
Senior intermediary

Claudia Kools

Rick Vonk