
Employment agency in Groningen

NB! There are road works on the ring road. 

Looking for work near Groningen ? We will find a vacancy that suits you, a job where you can't wait to start. Get in touch with employment agency Groningen and we will help you!

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Actief Werkt! Groningen

Herestraat 90
9711 LL Groningen


Opening hours

Monday 08:30 - 17:00
Tuesday 08:30 - 17:00
Wednesday 08:30 - 17:00
Thursday    08:30 - 17:00
Friday 08:30 - 17:00

Our employment agency in Groningen brings you job satisfaction

We would like to invite you to our employment agency in Groningen . You can also register with us online. Then we will look for a new job for you. We have dozens of vacancies and help people find work every day.

We will find the job that suits you. Our team sees it as its job to ensure that you enjoy going to work (again). In which position do you see yourself excelling? Let us know or apply online and we will try to match you with that employer. 

Check out our top vacancies in Groningen


Our client is a coffee bean producer in Groningen . The smell is quickly recognizable if you are outdoors in a certain part of Groningen . We are looking for an operator with technical insight for the factory. As an operator you are responsible for keeping the production line running. It is important that you have an eye for the entire process and can carry out minor malfunctions and repairs yourself. 

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Apprentice Operator

As a process operator, you are not only the future, , but you also control the future! There is currently a major shortage of process operators on the labor market. Do you want to assure yourself of a bright future and a good salary? Then follow our operator training A, B or C! As an operator you play an essential role in the production process. You will be trained to operate and control machines and equipment. You work closely with experienced operators and get the opportunity to gain practical experience in a dynamic environment. You learn how to follow up production orders, check the quality of the products and solve any malfunctions. Got excited? Then read on quickly!

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For our client in Leek we are looking for an employee with technical insight. This is a company that makes window coverings. With your technical skills you get the opportunity to further develop as an operator. 

As an operator, your biggest challenge is to ensure that daily production is achieved and that the window coverings meet the set quality standards. During your work you are responsible for order, cleanliness and safety. You ensure the supply of materials for the production process and ensure that the machines are set up properly. 

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Temporary or permanent job via Groningen employment agency

Groningen employment agency Actief Werkt has various types of vacancies for you. Depending on your wishes and available hours, you can choose what you want to go for:

  • Full-time position : a good choice if you are ready for security and continuity. Work with us for 36 to 40 hours a week.
  • Part-time job : A part-time position offers a lot of flexibility. Ideal to combine with your hobby, children or studies, for example.
  • Temporary work : useful if you want to bridge a period and are looking for a temporary job near Groningen .


Register employment agency Groningen

Do you live in Groningen and are you interested in a new job? Submit this challenge to us and we will search for you in Groningen , Assen , Leek , Roden and the surrounding area.

View our vacancies and get started as a forklift driver, operator, industrial cleaner or production worker. Or register with our employment agency Groningen , so that we immediately start looking for the perfect job for you.

apply now

A (new) job that makes you happy

Actief Werkt employment agency Groningen believes it is important to really get to know you and would like to know what makes you happy. For us, that is the most important input to finding a job that makes you enthusiastic. We would like to invite you for a personal introduction to our employment agency in Groningen .

Curious about our working method? We put temporary workers at number 1 and have all the knowledge in-house to find out what kind of job suits you. We will also check whether you need further training for this, which we may be able to offer you.

Employment agency in Groningen

The labor market in Groningen offers many opportunities

We know the local labor market in Groningen and know what is going on. Groningen has traditionally been a trading city. There is a lot of trade and industry, especially in the food industry. For example, start your new job as a production employee at shrimp supplier Heiploeg.

Do you have a forklift certificate? Then get started in the logistics sector . For work in business services you can also contact Groningen . But if you are looking for cleaning work as an industrial cleaner, we are happy to help you.

From our employment office in Groningen we will put you in touch with the best employers for you!


Employment agency Groningen member of ABU

All our branches are affiliated with the ABU (Algemene Bond Uitzendbedrijven) . The advantage of this is that we guarantee quality and good employment practices. As a flex worker you benefit from the good Collective Labor Agreement that you receive, such as equal pay for equal work, pension accrual, continued payment during illness and access to a mortgage. We also pay a lot of attention to growth and development with our training program for flex workers .

Do you have questions? Send us a message, we are happy to help you!

Mail us your question and we will contact you as soon as possible.

Leave your phone number and we will call you back.

When you leave your details, we will contact you for an appointment.

Our team is ready for you!

Yvonne van der Zwaag

Barbara de Vries