
Employment agency in Almere

Actief Werkt! Almere

Reykjavikstraat 1
1334 KG Almere


Opening hours

Mon: 08:30 - 17:00
Tue: open by appointment.
Wed: 08:30 - 17:00
Thu: 08:30 - 17:00
Fri: 08:30 - 17:00

employment agency Almere will help you find a job!

If you are looking for a new job, visit our employment agency in Almere . Or find a nice vacancy on our website and apply directly online. We have dozens of vacancies and help people find work every day.

Our team has all the knowledge to ensure that you find a workplace and environment that suits your needs. In short, we find the job that suits you as a person.

Check out our top vacancies in Almere

Apprentice Operator

As a process operator, you are not only the future, , but you also control the future! There is currently a major shortage of process operators on the labor market. Do you want to assure yourself of a bright future and a good salary? Then follow our operator training A, B or C! As an operator you play an essential role in the production process. You will be trained to operate and control machines and equipment. You work closely with experienced operators and get the opportunity to gain practical experience in a dynamic environment. You learn how to follow up production orders, check the quality of the products and solve any malfunctions. Got excited? Then read on quickly!

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Equipment manufacturer food and dairy

As a tank or equipment builder, you work with a team on high-quality machines for the food industry. It is important that you can put this together yourself from a technical drawing. Subsequently, welding the product is also part of your task. This is done with either TIG or MIG/MAG. The material you work with is mainly stainless steel. So do you see a challenge in working on complex machines? Then this job is for you. 

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Are you an experienced executor with a passion for transforming real estate and carrying out major maintenance? Then we would like to invite you for an introductory meeting.

As an experienced executor with expertise in transformation projects and major maintenance, you are responsible for coordinating and managing projects according to the principles of Lean management. Your role is essential in achieving our ambitious goals by optimizing processes, minimizing waste and creating maximum value for our clients.

You have extensive experience with complex transformation projects and major maintenance and can demonstrably successfully implement Lean methods in the construction sector. You analyze processes, identify bottlenecks and implement improvements to ensure efficiency and quality.

As an inspiring leader, you know how to motivate and enthuse teams to jointly strive for continuous improvement. You have excellent communication skills and are able to communicate effectively with all parties involved, both internally and externally.

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Almere employment agency: part-time, temporary or full-time jobs

Almere employment agency Actief Werkt has all kinds of vacancies for you:

  • Full-time job: would you like to work 36 to 40 hours a week? First flexible and then fixed? Then see which of the full-time vacancies appeals to you.
  • Part-time job: a flexible job that you can combine with, for example, your studies, children or hobby.
  • Temporary work: a good choice if you want to bridge a period and are looking for a temporary job in the area of Almere .

Register employment agency Almere

We are happy to look for an interesting position that suits you. View our open vacancies in, for example, (financial) administration, construction, catering, logistics, transport, cleaning, production and technology.

Register directly with us. We will immediately start working for you to find your dream job in Almere or the surrounding area.

Employment agency in Almere

Enjoy your new job

Your wishes are the input for our search for your new job. We really want to get to know you and would like to invite you for a personal introduction to our employment agency. With us you are not a number. We address you by name and want to know what makes you happy.

Your motivation is especially important; what are you looking for in a new job? Together we will find out which job suits you and whether you need further training, which you can possibly follow through our Actief Flex Academy. Our employment agency in Almere is there for everyone.


The labor market in a growth city Almere

We know the local labor market and what is going on. Almere is a growing city and is still making great progress. Almere will grow even further in the future and gain importance as an economic regional hub.

So there is plenty of work and that is why there is always a suitable vacancy for you in and around Almere . We help you find a job that suits you and ensure a good starting position in salary negotiations and negotiating secondary employment conditions. In addition to jobs in administration , you can also work for companies in sales through our employment agency, concrete , industrylogistics transportcleaning and production  getting started.

We are happy to put you in touch with the best employers for you! 

Employment agency Almere affiliated with ABU

All our branches are affiliated with the ABU (Algemene Bond Uitzendbedrijven) . The advantage of this is that we guarantee quality and good employment practices. As a flex worker you benefit from the good Collective Labor Agreement that you receive, such as equal pay for equal work, pension accrual, continued payment in the event of illness and access to a mortgage. We also pay a lot of attention to growth and development with our training program for flexible workers


Do you have questions? Send us a message, we are happy to help you!

Mail us your question and we will contact you as soon as possible.

Leave your phone number and we will call you back.

When you leave your details, we will contact you for an appointment.