
Employment agency in Wijchen

Are you ready for a (different) job in Wijchen or the surrounding area? At Actief Werkt you will find the vacancy that suits you. Come for a coffee at employment agency Wijchen or register now and we'll get to work. 

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Actief Werkt! Wijchen

Elckerlycweg 22
6602 HJ Wijchen


Opening hours

Monday 08:30 - 17:00
Tuesday 08:30 - 17:00
Wednesday 08:30 - 17:00
Thursday     08:30 - 17:00
Friday 08:30 - 17:00

Find your dream job at employment agency Wijchen

If you are looking for a new challenge near Wijchen , we can certainly help you. We have dozens of vacancies at employment agency Wijchen and we help people with a new challenge every day. Register with us so that we can also help you find your dream job.

Our team is committed to helping you find a new job that you enjoy going to. You can visit us to get acquainted personally, but it is also possible to apply directly online for a vacancy that appeals to you. 

Check out our top vacancies in Wijchen

Service engineer

Your work has an enormous impact on our society. Because without properly functioning sewers, everything would look very different!

You enjoy contributing to a healthier society. Together with your team, you proactively tackle problems and clear blockages. No day is the same. You start with an overview of the day, with a mix of repairs, inspections and clogging jobs.

You visit different locations, meet various challenges and work side by side with your colleagues. You fly from one assignment to another. Een clogged drain? You solve it with your skills and experience. Moreover, you share tips to prevent future problems.

At the end of the day you get into your company car with a feeling of satisfaction. You have made a difference for customers and the community. You are not just a mechanic; you are a sewer hero!

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Logistics employee

Our client would like to welcome a new employee to the Inhouse department. This means that you receive ICT-related products, for example laptops, that come back from customers that you will make ready for use again. This includes reinstalling the products. You neatly pack the product again and prepare it for shipping. On to the next product! So it is a varied function, because every device is different and different steps are required. What is a big advantage of this position is that you will work on a day shift from Monday to Friday. The weekend is all yours. Your working hours are between 08:00 and 18:00. On Fridays you even stop at 4:00 PM, so you can start your weekend earlier!

This position can be filled for 32 or 39 hours. The choice is yours.

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Mold maker

As a mold maker you play an important role in production. We cannot pour without molds, so your work is the basis of our production. You manufacture, assemble and convert molds and accessories so that your colleagues can use them. In addition to technical insight, this also requires something from your knowledge, skills and abilities. You can preferably read drawing or you are interested in learning this. You work neatly and safely, check your own work and ensure that your knowledge is up to date. You keep the workplace clean and maintain the hall and the tools/machines. Finally, you keep track of the (used) materials and pass on the orders (for example new parts) to your colleague.

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Various vacancies at Actief Werkt Wijchen 

At Actief Werkt you will find vacancies that meet every wish: from a side job for a few hours a week to a full-time job with a working week of 40 hours. Think about how many hours you want to work each week and choose from the following vacancies.

  • Full -time job : for those who want to work 36 to 40 hours a week.
  • Part -time job : is your job combined with other things in your life that require time, such as a hobby, study or maybe children? Then choose a part-time job.
  • Temporary work : for when you are available to work for a shorter period, for example during a holiday.
  • Permanent job : when you prefer to work somewhere indefinitely.

Register employment agency Wijchen

Would you like help finding a job? Then our team of employment agency Wijchen ready for you. Take a look at the current vacancies in Wijchen and the surrounding area and select the field in which you would like to work.

Would you like to receive vacancy alerts or would you like our advice? Register online immediately and let us know what your ambitions are. We then have all the information to proactively help you with your search for great vacancies.

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We work to make your ambitions come true

Whoever does what he/she really wants, will never really work a day in his life. That is why your motivation and ambitions are so important to us. Based on that input, we will look for a job that will make you happy.

Your experiences and resume are less important to us. If you are really motivated to go for a job, we believe that you will succeed, even if you lack some experience. Sometimes it is even possible to follow a course at our expense via the Actief Flex Academy. Consider, for example, a course or training for a forklift certificate or driver's diploma.

Employment agency in Wijchen

Growing employment in Wijchen 

We know the local labor market of Wijchen like no other and know what is going on. Wijchen has a central location in Nederland and is easily accessible via the highways and public transport.

Over the years there has been a huge growth in employment. The Bijsterhuizen industrial estate has grown into one of the largest industrial estates in production , logistics and transport . In Wijchen is enough space for activity and entrepreneurship. For example, there are also plenty of administrative vacancies to be found via Actief Werkt employment agency Wijchen .

We form the link between you and the best employers! 


Employment Wijchen member of ABU

All our branches are affiliated with the ABU (Algemene Bond Uitzendondernemingen) . The advantage of this is that we guarantee quality and being a good employer. As a flex worker you benefit from the good CAO that you receive, such as equal pay for equal work, pension accrual, continued payment in the event of illness and access to a mortgage. We also pay a lot of attention to growth and development with our training program for flex workers .

Do you have questions? Send us a message, we are happy to help you!

Mail us your question and we will contact you as soon as possible.

Leave your phone number and we will call you back.

When you leave your details, we will contact you for an appointment.

Our team is ready for you!

Stephanie de Korte

Sophie Smits

Sem van der Els