
Employment agency in Weert

Are you looking for a new challenge in the area Weert ? Actief Werkt finds the vacancy that matches your needs and wishes. Contact us or register and we will help you further.

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Actief Werkt! Weert

Emmasingel 53a
6001 BA Weert


Opening hours

Monday 08:30 - 17:00
Tuesday 08:30 - 17:00
Wednesday 08:30 - 17:00
Thursday     08:30 - 17:00
Friday 08:30 - 17:00

Employment Weert offers you many great jobs

Do you want a (new) job in the region of Weert ? Actief Werkt supports you in your search. We continuously have many vacancies in, among other things, the fields of production and logistics. With this we help people every day to a new job that gives them energy.

If you register online now with employment agency Weert , we will also be happy to help you find a vacancy that really gets you excited. Our team is committed to you, so that you will enjoy going to work again. 

Check out our top vacancies in Weert

Financial administrator

As a Financial Administrative Employee you are responsible for a wide range of financial tasks within our company. You will work closely with the finance manager and other departments to ensure that all financial processes run smoothly and meet regulatory requirements. Your main duties include:

  • Processing incoming and outgoing invoices.
  • You prepare monthly returns.
  • You support other departments in the processing of purchase invoices.
  • You are responsible for preparing various reports and managing suspense accounts.
  • Assisting with monthly and annual closings.
  • Preparing financial reports and analyses.
  • Support with audits and tax returns.

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Collaborating Foreman

Do you have excellent communication skills and are you passionate about working with your team?

As a Cooperative Foreman, you play a crucial role in effectively leading our team and ensuring the smooth operation of our daily activities. You lead, guide and motivate employees to achieve the set goals. With your experience in the production process, you are well familiar with how things work. As an expert in production, you proactively think about improvements and it is highly appreciated if you come up with ideas yourself. You are also responsible for various administrative tasks, which are an essential part of this position. In addition, you actively participate in the implementation of operational activities.

We currently work in two shifts: morning shift (from 5:45 AM to 2:15 PM) and afternoon shift (from 1:45 PM to 10:15 PM).

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Traffic measures technician

We are looking for a motivated and expert Traffic Installation Service Engineer to join our team in Roermond . As a Service Technician you are responsible for the maintenance, repair and installation of traffic control systems, signage systems and other traffic technical equipment. You enjoy a high degree of independence in your work and no two days are the same. You are also responsible for identifying any deviations and reporting problems to the manager.

Dynamics and innovation are central to our company. You can count on an exciting and varied working environment, with a pleasant atmosphere. Furthermore, we offer various opportunities for professional growth within our organization. Consider roles such as implementation supervisor, project coordinator, planner or tender manager. Our working hours vary between 6:00 AM - 6:00 PM and 6:00 PM - 6:00 AM, with an average of 8 hours per day.

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Vacancies at employment agency Weert

At Actief Werkt employment agency Weert we have vacancies for the most diverse positions: from temporary jobs for a few hours a week to full-time jobs with a working week of 40 hours. Determine for yourself how many hours you want to work and choose from the following options:

  • Full -time job : if you want a full-time working week of 36 to 40 hours per week.
  • Permanent job : do you want to work for an indefinite period? Then look for a permanent job.
  • Part-time job : besides work, do you have other things that take up your time, such as children, a study or a hobby? Then it is best to combine it with a part-time job.
  • Temporary work : if you are only available for a certain period of time or only want to work during the holidays, we will refer you to the vacancies for temporary work.

Register with employment agency Weert

If you are looking for work in Weert in a surrounding area, then we can probably do something for you. We will look for the vacancy that matches your wishes and ambitions.

Take a look at the vacancies in Weert in the various fields or let our team of employment agency Weert you. Register now and let us know what you are looking for. Then we can unleash our expertise and find your dream job. Of course you can also visit us.

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Good motivation is the most important

We want to know what your ambitions and goals are. What makes you happy in your work? We take this information as a starting point for the search for a new job. Your experience and curriculum vitae are less important to us. It is mainly your motivation that counts.

The guiding principle for us is therefore that you are motivated to really want to go for a job. We do the rest. If you do not yet have the right papers for a position, there is an option to follow the necessary training at our expense. Think of a driver's diploma or forklift certificate.

Employment agency in Weert

Working in industrial Weert

We know the labor market of Weert like no other. Weert borders both Noord-Brabant and Belgium and is therefore also called 'the gate of Limburg'.

Weert is primarily an industrial city and strong in the manufacturing industry. There are therefore many vacancies in production or logistics . Later, the service sector also developed strongly here. For example, you can work as an office worker or office cleaner.


Employment Weert affiliated with ABU

All our branches are affiliated with the ABU (Algemene Bond Uitzendondernemingen) . The advantage of this is that we guarantee quality and being a good employer. As a flex worker you benefit from the good CAO that you receive, such as equal pay for equal work, pension accrual, continued payment in the event of illness and access to a mortgage. We also pay a lot of attention to growth and development with our training program for flex workers .

Do you have questions? Send us a message, we are happy to help you!

Mail us your question and we will contact you as soon as possible.

Leave your phone number and we will call you back.

When you leave your details, we will contact you for an appointment.

Our team is ready for you!

Fabienne Crins

Rozemarijn Hut