
Employment agency in Oss

Are you looking for a challenging new job in the region of Oss ? At Actief Werkt employment agency Oss , the vacancies are waiting for you. Come by or register online and we will help you further.

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Actief Werkt! Oss

Oostwal 249
5341 KN Oss


Opening hours

Monday 08:30 - 17:00
Tuesday 08:30 - 17:00
Wednesday 08:30 - 17:00
Thursday    08:30 - 17:00
Friday 08:30 - 17:00

Find a new job at employment agency Oss

At Actief Werkt Oss you will find the best vacancies in the area in various sectors, such as production and logistics. Every day we help people find another job. We look for the best match between you and a new employer, because that is the key to success for all parties.

As soon as we know what you are looking for in a job, we will start our search. So visit us or register online with us and who knows, you may soon be sitting at the table with your new employer.

Check out our top vacancies in Oss


Are you looking for a nice job as a co-driver? Can you lift heavy objects and do you like being in contact with people? Then this co-driver job is for you!

We are looking for an enthusiastic candidate who, as a co-driver, ensures that beds are delivered from the bus to the customer's home. You also assist in assembling the beds and ensure that the customer can always sleep as comfortably and pleasantly as possible. This often results in a nice tip!

The salary varies between €13.27 and €14.00 per hour, depending on your age and experience. Your working day usually starts between 5:00 AM and 6:00 AM and we are looking for someone who is available 32 to 40 hours a week. Before you start, grab a cup of coffee and then go to the customers together with your colleagues. After the last address you take the bus back to the head office and prepare it for the next day. Then your working day is over.

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Administrative assistant

Are you an administrative employee who keeps a cool head even in the most dynamic environment? Do you have experience in arranging processes from order to delivery and are you looking for the next step in your career? Then we have the perfect opportunity for you! We are looking for a full-time administrative employee for a client in Oss . 

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Forklift driver

Are you looking for a position as a forklift driver on a day shift and do you want to be part of a dynamic company that specializes in building materials? Then we are looking for you!

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Employment agency vacancies in Oss

At Actief Werkt employment agency Oss distinguish between different vacancies. Choose which vacancies suit you best based on your availability and desired contract duration.

  • Full -time job: if you are looking for a job for 36 to 40 hours a week.
  • Part -time job : perfect when you combine your work with something else, such as a study, hobby or children.
  • Temporary work : do you have a certain period to bridge? For example, are you going on a long-term trip or are you looking for holiday work? Then view our temporary positions.
  • Permanent job : choose a permanent job if you are looking for a new, challenging position for an indefinite period.


Register with employment agency Oss

Are you from Oss or surroundings and are you ready for a new challenge? Then take a look at the current vacancies in Oss and the surrounding area.

If you need help with your search, our team is here to help. Register directly via the website and let us know your wishes for a new job. We will then look for a vacancy and employer that suit you perfectly.

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Our goal is to find your dream job

At Actief Werkt employment agency Oss we find your experience and CV less important than your motivation. Let us know what you find important in a new job, what you want to learn and what gives you energy.

Based on your motivation, we will look for a suitable vacancy. This could be one you don't have the right papers for yet. You may then be able to follow a course at our expense to ensure that you meet the 'requirements' of the position of your dreams.

Employment agency in Oss

Labor market in Oss offers great opportunities

Actief Werkt knows the local labor market in detail. Oss is an economically strong city with enterprising people. The city is characterized by industrial activity.

There are several industrial areas and more than 5,000 different companies. There are plenty of jobs, especially in production and logistics . Working in Oss therefore offers all kinds of great opportunities, such as in cleaning or as a salesman at a car wash or gas station.


Employment Oss affiliated with ABU

All our branches are affiliated with the ABU (Algemene Bond Uitzendondernemingen) . The advantage of this is that we guarantee quality and being a good employer. As a flex worker, you benefit from the good Collective Labor Agreement that you receive, such as equal pay for equal work, pension accrual, continued payment in the event of illness and access to a mortgage. We also pay a lot of attention to growth and development with our training program for flex workers .

Do you have questions? Send us a message, we are happy to help you!

Mail us your question and we will contact you as soon as possible.

Leave your phone number and we will call you back.

When you leave your details, we will contact you for an appointment.

Our team is ready for you!

Cristel van Breda

Karen Mulder
Manager in training

Mike Louwrenssen

Stender Kruip

Lara van der Wielen