
Employment agency in Hengelo

Are you looking for a job in the area of Hengelo ? At Actief Werkt employment agency Hengelo you will find the vacancy that suits you. Register online or come by, so that we can help you on your way to your new challenge!

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Actief Werkt! Hengelo

Oldenzaalsestraat 19
7551 AM Hengelo


Opening hours

Monday 08:30 - 17:00
Tuesday 08:30 - 17:00
Wednesday 08:30 - 17:00
Thursday    08:30 - 17:00
Friday 08:30 - 17:00

Find your dream job at employment agency Hengelo

Looking for a new job in the area of Hengelo ? Our team will help you further. When you register with employment agency Hengelo , we will immediately look for the vacancy that matches your wishes and ambitions.

Visit our office in Hengelo or take a look at the vacancies in the region and easily apply online. Who knows, you may soon be sitting at the table with your new employer.

Check out our top vacancies in Hengelo

Collaborating Foreman

After a long day at work, you will hopefully crawl under a nice warm duvet and lay your head on a soft pillow. How this is made? You will learn that in this position!

We are looking for a cooperative foreman for a pillow and blanket manufacturer in the area of Hengelo . A position has become available on the cushion production line and you manage the colleagues on this line while contributing to the work. You know how to motivate your colleagues and work well together, while maintaining an overview.

Your work will look like this:

  • Filling the cushions and checking the weight
  • Packing and preparing for shipping
  • Troubleshooting minor malfunctions and technical maintenance
  • Manage and instruct the team based on the plans and orders
  • Coordinate with other departments such as the expedition or production manager
  • Follow up and check the safety instructions

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Catering assistant

As a versatile catering employee, you play a key role in our team. Prepare delicious dishes, serve refreshing drinks, pay quickly at the cash register and make sure everything looks spic and span. In short, a dynamic and varied position in which your talents can flourish. You will end up in a team full of positive energy and a pleasant atmosphere. 

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Warehouse worker

As a Warehouse Employee at our client you will work in the distribution center in Enschede . This is where the storage of their products takes place. This includes food, drinks and packaging intended for the catering industry. Orders are transported daily by truck by Nederland , Germany, Belgium and other wholesalers in Europe.

As a Warehouse Employee you are responsible for varying degrees of: picking goods in the warehouse, loading and unloading trucks or replenishing stocks in our warehouse. Together with your colleagues, you work every day on good distribution of products to our customers.

It is important to mention that some of the products must be removed from the refrigerator or freezer. Therefore, it is useful to wear a warm jacket, which is available in the warehouse. You will cross the warehouse on an EPT car. Do not freak out! This stands for an electric pallet truck, which you can quickly learn to use. If you already have experience with this, that is a plus, preferably with a valid certificate.

Working hours are from Monday to Friday, during the day shift from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM.

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Full-time and part-time vacancies via employment agency Hengelo

Based on your availability, you can choose from different types of vacancies:

  • Full -time job: are you available for at least 36 hours a week? Then search for your vacancy(s) among the available full-time jobs.
  • Part -time job : a part-time job has the advantage that you are flexible. Een good choice if you have children or have to combine your job with other things that take up time, such as a hobby or study.
  • Permanent job : when you are available for an indefinite period of time, view all vacancies for a permanent job.
  • Temporary work : an ideal option if you are looking for work to bridge a certain period or want to extra money during the holidays.


Register employment agency Hengelo

Are you from region Hengelo , take a look at our vacancies in Hengelo and surroundings in, for example, the fields of technology, logistics or sales.

If you need our help, we're here for you. Visit our employment agency or register online. Based on your wishes for a new position, we will set to work to find that one vacancy for you.


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Your wishes for your dream job are central

As soon as we know what makes you happy, we can start looking for your dream job. We will take your wishes into account during our search for your new position. We look beyond just your resume and experiences. In fact, we think your motivation is more important.

For example, a vacancy may roll out that makes you very happy, but you have not yet obtained the right diplomas or training for it. No problem, there is a good chance that you can still follow that training at our expense, via the Actief Flex Academy.

Employment agency in Hengelo

Labor market of Hengelo

We know the local labor market through and through. For example, did you know that Hengelo is also called metal city? In the past, most work could be found here in metal technology . Many large electronic and chemical companies are also located there.

Hengelo is a relatively young city that only really flourished in the nineteenth century. Thanks to its ideal location on the A1, there is a lot of freight transport to Germany, Poland and the Baltic States. There is therefore enough employment in production , logistics or transport.

Would you rather be in a store as a sales employee ? That is also possible! Hengelo has a retail area of 190,000 m2. Get in touch with employment agency Hengelo and we will do the rest.


Employment Hengelo member of ABU

All our branches are affiliated with the ABU (Algemene Bond Uitzendondernemingen) . The advantage of this is that we guarantee quality and being a good employer. As a flex worker, you benefit from the good Collective Labor Agreement that you receive, such as equal pay for equal work, pension accrual, continued payment in the event of illness and access to a mortgage. We also pay a lot of attention to growth and development with our training program for flex workers .

Do you have questions? Send us a message, we are happy to help you!

Mail us your question and we will contact you as soon as possible.

Leave your phone number and we will call you back.

When you leave your details, we will contact you for an appointment.

Our team is ready for you!

Jolanda Heine

Mattanja van Gelden

Mark Wierbos