
Employment agency in Harderwijk

Looking for a job in Harderwijk ? The best vacancies are waiting for you at Actief Werkt . Visit our employment agency Harderwijk or register online and we will find a job for you!

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Actief Werkt! Harderwijk

Luttekepoortstraat 57
3841 AW Harderwijk


Opening hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00

Employment Harderwijk will find your dream job

Actief Werkt employment agency Harderwijk offers dozens of vacancies in Harderwijk and the surrounding area, with which we help people find a (new) job every day. There is a good chance that we also have a vacancy that fits your wishes.

We provide you with a job that you enjoy going to, where you can learn and where you get energy. Your ambitions and goals are the starting points in our search. Visit us, apply directly online for a vacancy or register with us online to stay informed about the vacancies in Harderwijk and the surrounding area.

Check out our top vacancies in Harderwijk

Production employee

For a company in Harderwijk we are looking for production employees for 3 shifts.

You will work in different departments in the factory. This way you get to know the entire company better and ultimately you can be deployed all-round.

Your duties will include:

- Operating the presses and autoclaves
- Converting the presses
- Carrying out checks in the packing department
- Forklift operations both outside and inside

It is important that you have some experience with the forklift. These are large forklifts that require precision. It must be stacked straight.

We work in a 3-shift system and the working hours are:

07:00 - 15:00
3:00 PM - 11:00 PM
11:00 PM - 7:00 AM

Bekijk vacature
Shop assistant

We are looking for an all-round employee for a store with several small entrepreneurs. All kinds of smaller entrepreneurs can rent a section from this store. This can be a rack, cupboard or table with constantly changing products. There is a table full of all kinds of special sweets and next to it a rack full of clothes. There is also the option to have passport photos taken, for example to apply for a driver's license.

Your activities will include:

- Checkout operations
- Of course you are also often present on the floor to provide people with advice;
- Everything that comes in must be entered into the system, and once it has been sold it must be taken out again;
- Take passport photos;
- Processing packages.

The company is open from Monday to Saturday. There is the option to work a 5 day week. There is no work in the evenings. The webshop will also open soon and this must be promoted via social media.

All in all, a super cool and varied position.

Bekijk vacature
Production employee

You enter the company that specializes in cleaning textile products. These could, for example, be curtains that have been damaged in a fire or items of clothing that require special treatment. They are at home in all markets. All products are treated carefully so that they are returned to the customer as good as new.

The activities include:

- Enter incoming and outgoing products into the system that has been specially designed for this purpose;
- Sorting the products carefully, it can still be cleaned;
- Folding, ironing and packing the products;

Together, based on a well-planned plan, you ensure that all products go out to customers as new.

The working days and times are:

Thursday and Friday from 6:45 AM - 3:00 PM
Saturday: 06:00 - 10:30

In the summer months from June to September it can be busier due to festivals, for example. Please note that work may occasionally run late, but this is of course known in advance. You may also be asked, in consultation, to work Sundays every now and then during that period when it is really busy.

Bekijk vacature

Employment agency vacancies in Harderwijk

At Actief Werkt employment agency Harderwijk you will find vacancies that meet every need. Decide for yourself how many hours you want to work per week and whether this is for a definite or indefinite period of time. We distinguish between the following vacancies:

  • Temporary work : ideal if you are looking for a summer job or if you are only available for a certain period of time.
  • Permanent job : do you want to work for an indefinite period? Then we will help you find a new, permanent job.
  • Full -time job : if you are available for 36 to 40 hours, take a look at the full-time vacancies.
  • Part -time job: are you available for less than 36 hours? Then it is best to view the vacancies for a part-time job in Harderwijk and the surrounding area.


Register with employment agency Harderwijk

Do you live in the area of Harderwijk and do you want to find a new job? Then immediately view the vacancies in your region.

Do you no longer see the wood for the trees or would you like advice? Register online immediately and pass on your wishes for a new job. We will then immediately look for a job that suits you.

apply now

Your motivation for a job is central

At employment agency Harderwijk we are curious about your motivation for the next step in your career. Based on your motivation, we will look for the job that fits in exactly with it. We are happy to look through vacancies for you.

Once we have found an employer and position that suit your ambitions, we will introduce you to each other. Do you need further training for the position? Then you may be able to follow it at our expense via the Actief Flex Academy. Consider, for example, a driver's diploma or obtaining a forklift certificate.

Employment agency in Harderwijk

Enough work in settlement Harderwijk

Actief Werkt Harderwijk knows the local labor market and we know better than anyone what is going on in our region. Harderwijk is a settlement town on the edge of the Veluwe. In the past, there was mainly fishing and fish trading in the area. Today, Harderwijk mainly focuses on business services , administration and tourism. Tourists come for the Dolfinarium, the Zwaluwhoeve wellness resort and the marinas.

But there is also plenty of work to be found in industry. This is how we have arranged your job in production or logistics . For example, get started as a forklift driver or cooperating foreman. There is always a suitable vacancy for you in Harderwijk and the surrounding area.


Employment Harderwijk affiliated with ABU

All our branches are affiliated with the ABU (Algemene Bond Uitzendondernemingen) . The advantage of this is that we guarantee quality and being a good employer. As a flex worker, you benefit from the good Collective Labor Agreement that you receive, such as equal pay for equal work, pension accrual, continued payment in the event of illness and access to a mortgage. We also pay a lot of attention to growth and development with our training program for flex workers .

Do you have questions? Send us a message, we are happy to help you!

Mail us your question and we will contact you as soon as possible.

Leave your phone number and we will call you back.

When you leave your details, we will contact you for an appointment.

Our team is ready for you!

Rob Knikker
Manager in training

Dennis Pals

Yanou Man