
Advantages of the self-employed mediation model

1 April 2024 -

Personal mediation, but without intervention

As a self-employed person you can choose from a lot of intermediaries: all parties that can help you find interesting clients and great assignments. However, it is important that you pay close attention before entering into such a collaboration. While one intermediary only puts you in touch with a client, the other takes on the assignment itself. That person is actually your client. That can have advantages, but there are also negatives. We explain the two models for intermediaries: the intervention and the mediation model. We also explain why we work the way we do – and how it benefits you.


Intervention model vs. mediation model

A mediator can work according to two models: an intervention model or a mediation model. Many organizations choose the first, Actief Werkt! consciously chooses the second. Below you can read the most important features of both models - including the way in which the intermediary earns.

Intervention model
The intermediary accepts the assignment from the customer itself and distributes it to self-employed people in its network. The intermediary literally comes between the customer and the self-employed person, and determines the rate that you can charge as a self-employed person. If you accept such an assignment, you carry out the assignment with the final client. But on paper you work for the intermediary, even if you carry out multiple assignments for different clients. So you send your invoice to the intermediary. He then sends his own invoice to the client.

Mediation model
The mediator does not accept the assignment himself, but puts clients in touch with interested self-employed persons. In principle, the client and you make agreements about the assignment and the rate: the mediator is involved in these discussions, but has no influence on them. And do you carry out the assignment? Then you do that for the client, the mediator is no longer involved. You send your invoice directly to the client. The mediator does not earn money from your work, but clients pay the mediator a fee to get in touch with you.


Tax consequences

It is important for self-employed people to have different clients - otherwise you may not meet the tax authorities' conditions. Do you work with a mediator who follows the intervention model? Then on paper you only have one client: the intermediary. It does not matter exactly how many assignments you carry out, and how many clients you work for. Does your mediator follow the mediation model? Then all those different customers also count as your clients. And you will find it easier to find enough clients.


Approved model agreement

As a technical self-employed person you do work of a 'material nature': you make something. You enter into an agreement with your client for that work. With the intervention model, this means that you enter into a different agreement each time. This is different for the mediation model: Zelfstandigen Bouw and Stichting ZZP Nederland have drawn up a model agreement, which has been approved by the Tax Authorities. This includes standard agreements about your independence and useful passages about the layout of the work area.


Non-competition clause

Imagine that you are carrying out a command. While you are there, the foreman indicates that they are very satisfied with you and have another assignment for you. Nice is not it? Not necessarily if your intermediary has an intervention model: that is your client, and he may not want you to accept new assignments from this company without his intervention. That is why these agreements often contain a substantial non-competition clause - so check carefully what exactly you are signing up for. The mediation model is a bit more transparent: you are completely free to accept the new assignment - the mediator has no say at all.


Actief Werkt! : your personal and honest mediator

We work according to the mediation model – in fact, we are officially certified for it. This allows us to help you with great assignments and put you in touch with interesting clients, while you remain as self-sufficient and independent as possible. Want to know more about the benefits of working with Actief Werkt! ? Contact a branch near you directly.